Discover the Viability of Your Next Product.


It's about gathering an understanding of who your users are and their needs in the Discovery Phase, and transitioning those learnings into optimized solutions through Ideation Methodologies. The goal of market research and ideation is to transition from identifying problems to creating solutions for your target audience.

Expertise and Competencies

  • In-depth stakeholder interviews
  • Ethnography
  • Focus groups
  • Concept evaluation
  • Journey mapping
  • Process modeling
  • Trend & competitive analysis

Deliverables & Provisions

  • Analytical Reports
  • Ideal Customer Profiles
  • Market Engagement Strategies
  •  Product Design Requirements & Specifications
  • Predictive-Market Forecasts


We live by the motto: "The only bad idea is the one that goes unsaid!"
We believe in taking a multi-faceted approach to ideation focusing on shattering the limitations of traditional thinking and stretching the confines of reality to dream-up every solution imaginable....leaving no stone untouched to the potential possibility of further design consideration.

Expertise and Competencies

  • Design strategy, research & analysis
  • Product aesthetics
  • Human factors design
  • CAD modeling, renderings & appearance model fabrication
  • Strategic Framework Development

Deliverables & Provisions

  •  Professional Presentations
  • Product Design Sketches
  • Storyboards and Thought Maps
  • Basic CAD Models
  • Simple Prototypes